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Gouty Arthritis is caused by uric acid crystals forming in joints and other areas usually first showing up in extremity's where the blood is coolest like the toes fingers and ears.

Excess uric acid in the blood leads to it crystallizing into monosodium urate crystals in the bloodstream. These fine sharp crystals tend to accumulate in the synovial joints of the cooler extremities first, such as the big toe and the fingers. The tissue around the joint becomes inflamed, and nerve endings in the area become irritated, causing extreme pain.

These crystals can also settle in other parts of the body and can cause extreme pain. The crystals may also be deposited as tophi near joints or in extreme areas like the ear lobes. (Uric acid crystals in the kidneys can lead to kidney stones and eventually to kidney failure.)

The cause is mostly genetic, but can be partially exacerbated by poor or inappropriate diet and chronic dehydration.

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Q: Which form of arthritis is characterizedby deposits of uric acid in the joints?
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Which form of arthritis is characterized by redness and pain and severely deformed joints?

That would be either rheumatoid arthritis ( an imune disease) or Gouty arthritis ( the result if uric acid in the blood turning to crystalsin and settling in the joints and other places.

Where does gout usually occur?

Gout typically occurs in the big toe, but can also affect other joints such as the ankles, knees, elbows, and wrists. It is a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood, leading to uric acid crystal deposits in the joints.

How does excess uric acid in the body contribute to swollen joints?

Excessive uric acid in the body, deposits as monosodium urate or uric acid crystals in the articular cartilage of joints and tendons. This initiates an inflammatory reaction in those tissues; thus contributing to swollen joints.

What is the most painful arthritis?

All forms of arthritis in the joints in particular can be painful, the amount of pain involved depends on the damage that the disease is causing to the the body. However it seems that the the most painful form of arthritis is the disease referred to as gouty arthritis which is the result of the formation of uric acid crystals usually in the peripheral joints of the body.

The presence of uric acid crystal located in the body s articulations causing great pain is known as?

Gouty arthritis is a farm of arthritis that typically attacks suddenly and is characterized by repeated attacks of an extremely painful form of arthriti. Gout is the result of deposits of monosodium urate crystals. These needle-like crystals accumulate in the joints as the result of abnormally high uric acid levels in the blood (hyperuricemia).

High levels of uric acid in blood may lead to rheumatoid arthritis?

No Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and the amount of uric acid in the blood does not affect this disease. High levels of uric acid in the blood can however lead to what is known as Gouty arthritis, which is the result of uric acid turning int fine sharp crystals that settle in joints and other parts of the body.

What condition also called crystal-induced arthritis is caused by excessive?

gouty arthritis or gout. this is the result of uric acid in the blood crystallizing and the resulting fine sharp crystals invading joints

What chemicals cause arthritis?

The cause for most forms of arthritis is un known. however in the case of gouty arthritis it is caused by an over abundance of uric acid in the blood turning into sharp crystals that settle in joints and other parts of the body.

Why do uric acid deposits occur in feet?

Uric acid deposits can occur in feet due to a condition called gout, which is a type of arthritis caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. When the uric acid crystallizes and builds up in the joints, particularly in the feet, it can lead to intense pain, swelling, and inflammation. Dietary factors, genetics, and other underlying health conditions can contribute to high levels of uric acid and the development of gout.

What is the degenerative disease characterized by pain and swelling in the joints?

This is generally described as arthritis the main culprit would be Osteoarthritis which is a non inflammatory form of arthritis often the result of joint trauma and just plain wear and tear. there is also Rheumatoid arthritis which is a autoimmune disease that destroys connective tissue in the joints and other places and gouty arthritis which is the result of the formation of uric acid crystals in the blood which invade joints and other organs of the body. there are over a hundred different forms of arthritis and to date there is no cure other then remission for any of them. there seem to be genetic links with the majority of them

What is th result of the body's decreased ability to control uric acid?

the result could be the formation of uric acid crystals in the blood leading to their settlement in joints, a painful condition, known as gouty arthritis.

How is gout different from other forms of arthritis?

it occurs when there are high levels of uric acid circulating in the blood, which can cause urate crystals to settle in the tissues of the joints.