The thumb has only two phalanges. The other fingers have three phalanges.
A finger has three bones called phalanges, except for the thumb, which only has two phalanges.
The finger bones are called phalanges. Each finger has three phalanges - a proximal, a middle, and a distal phalanx - except for the thumb, which only has two.
The bones in your fingers are called phalanges (phalanx if it is referring to only one bone). The phalanges can be divided into three parts, distal phalanges(your fingertips), middle phalanges, and proximal phalanges(the part of your finger that meets with the knuckle).
Finger bones are called phalanges, and toe bones are also called phalanges. Each finger has three phalanges, while each toe has two (except the big toe, which has three).
A human thumb has two phalanges: the proximal phalanx and the distal phalanx.
Humans typically have 14 phalanges, with each finger (except for the thumb) having three phalanges and each toe having two phalanges.
Phalanges are commonly known as finger or toe bones in humans.
The scientific name for finger bone is phalanx bones.
the bones of the finger are called phalanges.
Phalanges is the overall term for the structures (i.e the fingers) and these are composed of phalanx's (distal, proximal, and middle).