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Na,K and Ca

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Q: Which electrolytes are important in action potentials and the excitability of nervous and muscle tissue?
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Communication in the nervous system depends on?

action potentials

Does nervous tissue generate action potentials?


Local potentials that vary in magnitude according to the strength of the stimulus?

Graded potentials are local potentials that vary in magnitude according to the strength of the stimulus. They can either be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing and play a role in generating action potentials in neurons. Graded potentials are responsible for the integration of multiple signals in the nervous system.

Why are electrolytes important to athletes?

Electrolytes are important to athletes because they help maintain proper fluid balance in the body, regulate muscle function, and support nerve function. During physical activity, electrolytes like sodium and potassium are lost through sweat, so replenishing them is crucial to prevent dehydration, muscle cramps, and fatigue.

What is a tonic current?

A tonic current refers to a steady baseline level of current in a neuron or cell that is present even in the absence of any synaptic input. It is important for maintaining the resting membrane potential and overall excitability of the cell.

What is the fucntion of a nerve cell?

the transport of nervous impulses ( also known as action potentials)

Can graded potential form on receptor endings?

Graded potentials can form on receptor endings in response to stimuli such as pressure, temperature, or chemicals. These graded potentials can lead to the generation of action potentials that transmit the sensory information to the central nervous system for processing.

What does communication in the nervous system depend on which are electrical impulses that travel from neuron to neuron?

Communication in the nervous system depends on the transmission of electrical impulses, known as action potentials, that travel along the length of neurons. These electrical signals allow for the rapid and precise transmission of information from one neuron to another, enabling various functions such as sensory perception, motor responses, and cognition.

How is information processed and transmitted in the nervous system?

It is transmitted along action potentials by way of chemical neurotransmitters.

Why is depolarization important?

Depolarization is important in nerve and muscle cells because it triggers action potentials, which are electrical signals that allow communication between cells. This is crucial for proper nerve signaling, muscle contraction, and overall function of the nervous system.

Information is conveyed from the same sense of organs to the central nervous system by?

Information from the same sense organs is conveyed to the central nervous system by specialized sensory neurons, which convert physical stimuli into electrical signals known as action potentials. These action potentials travel along nerve fibers to the central nervous system where they are processed and interpreted.

What does the central nervous system use to determine the strength of a stimulus?

frequncy of action poteinals