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anorexia nervosa

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Q: Which eating disorder is most associated with the personality and behavior of obsessive-compulsive and perfectionism?
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What is albert bandura closely associated to which approach to personality?

Albert Bandura is closely associated with the Social Learning Theory approach to personality. This theory emphasizes the role of cognitive processes in shaping behavior and personality development, highlighting the importance of observational learning, modeling, and self-efficacy.

The what is characterized by a pattern of impatient and competitive and hostile behavior?

Type A personality is characterized by a pattern of impatient, competitive, and hostile behavior. This personality type is often associated with high stress levels and a greater risk for developing cardiovascular diseases.

What types of behaviors are associated with a histrionic personality disorder?

The behaviors associated with people diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder are similar to other mental disorders. Common behaviors are attention seeking, dressing and acting promiscuously, rapid behavior change, and rash/impulsive decision making.

Is stealing a mental disorder?

Generally, no. Stealing for profit is a typical, though unsavory, normal, human behavior. If the stealing is compulsive, however, with no regard to value, and with no recognition that the act constitutes theft, it is a kind of hoarding behavior associated with certain personality disorders, most common are Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Boderline Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, as well as certain neurological injuries.

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How personality is shown?

personality is shown through a persons total behavior and by the response of other people to that behavior, the impact of a person's behavior causes others to respond favorably or unfavorably.

What are common symptoms associated with antisocial personality disorder?

Common symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include a lack of empathy or regard for others' feelings, disregard for social norms and rules, impulsivity, deceitfulness, and a history of aggression or criminal behavior. Individuals with this disorder may engage in manipulative or exploitative behavior without remorse.

What scientist studies behavior?

personality behaviorist.

What is associated with psychoanalysis?

Psychoanalysis is associated with Sigmund Freud, who developed the theory and techniques to explore the unconscious mind, dreams, and psychological conflicts. It involves examining how past experiences and unconscious thoughts influence personality and behavior.

Are compulsive liars also sociopaths?

Not necessarily. Compulsive lying can be a behavior associated with various mental health conditions or personality traits, including but not limited to sociopathy. Sociopathy, also known as antisocial personality disorder, involves a pattern of manipulative and deceitful behavior, among other characteristics. Compulsive lying on its own does not indicate sociopathy.

What a the big five personality traits and how do the big five traits predict work behavior?

The Big Five personality traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Research suggests that these traits can predict work behavior in various ways. For example, conscientiousness is linked to higher job performance, extraversion is associated with leadership roles, openness to new experiences can lead to creativity and innovation, agreeableness is related to teamwork and cooperation, and neuroticism can influence emotional stability in the workplace.

Is violent a character trait?

Violence is typically not considered a character trait, as traits are more enduring and inherent qualities that define a person's behavior and personality over time. Violence is often associated with behavior or actions, rather than a fundamental aspect of someone's character.