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anorexia nervosa

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What are the causes of lawlessness and disorder in boomrtowns?

Lawlessness and disorder in boomtowns are caused by the dynamics of business. Some people are simply greedy, and the workers who are attracted to these cities are sometimes rather lawless themselves.

What are the elephantiasis effects?

The disorder elephantiasis is actually a group of disorders, all of which causes swelling to different parts of the body. Each disorder is caused by mosquito or worm bites.

How is it possible for someone to carry a disorder but not actually have it?

This most commonly occurs if the disorder is recessive, meaning you must carry two copies of the gene which causes the disorder in order to show it.Everyone has two copies of each gene, one paternal and one maternal. If you only carry one copy (allele) of the gene which causes the recessive disorder and your other copy of that gene is normal, you will not have the disorder. However, you can carry it on if you have a child with someone else who also carries the gene which causes the disorder and the child gets two copies of the disorder gene.

What was the rare disorder the girl in the movie orphan have?

don't know the actual name but the disorder causes you to stay looking younger than you really are. The character was actually in her 30's but looked 12.

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An x linked disorder that causes malformattion of the skull is

Is metabolism disorder causes vitiligo?

NO metabolism disorder is not cuases vitiligo.

What was the primary purpose of the Kerner commissions?

to investigate causes of civil disorder and recommend solutions.

Mental disorder that causes going to hospital or doctor?

There are so many . . . I can think of bipolar disorder, depression, disassociation disorder, panic disorder, personality disorder, asocial disorder among the many.

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What causes a person to complain so much about their health?

There is a personality disorder called hypochondria. If they complain a lot about their physical being, then something is actually wrong in their mental being.

What personality disorder causes people to have no friends or relationships?

could be depression, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, paranoid Personality Disorder, etc. . .

What causes ticdelaru?

Tic Douloureux - Pronounced as Tic Dela RooFacial Nerve Disorder that causes a sharp, intense pain in the side of the face, nerve disorder.