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Q: Which does not add substances to seminal fluid?
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What does not add substances to seminal fluid?


What structures do not add secretions to seminal fluid seminal vesicles Bulbourethral glands prostate gland urinary bladder seminiferous tubules?

The seminiferous tubules do not add secretions to seminal fluid. They are responsible for producing sperm cells through spermatogenesis, but they do not contribute any secretions to the seminal fluid.

What produces over half of the seminal fluid?

The seminal vesicles produce over half of the seminal fluid. They contribute fructose and other substances to provide energy and nourishment to sperm.

What Produces more than half of the seminal fluid?

The seminal vesicles produce more than half of the seminal fluid. They secrete a fluid rich in fructose, which provides energy for sperm motility, as well as other substances that support sperm function and survival.

What Is produce when glands add fluid to sperm?

Seminal fluid (also known as, semen)

How is seminal fluid produced?

Seminal fluid is produced by a combination of secretions from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands. These glands secrete various substances like fructose, enzymes, and proteins that help support and nourish sperm on their journey through the male reproductive system. Upon ejaculation, the seminal fluid mixes with sperm to form semen.

What is the color of the seminal fluid secreted by the seminal vesicle?

The seminal fluid secreted by the seminal vesicle is typically a yellowish or cloudy white color.

What substance does not secrete make up seminal fluid?

The substance that does not contribute to seminal fluid is testosterone. Seminal fluid is primarily composed of seminal vesicle fluid, prostate fluid, and sperm from the testes. Hormones like testosterone are involved in sperm production rather than the secretion of seminal fluid.

Gland produces a fluid component of seminal fluid?

The glands that produce a fluid component of seminal fluid are called seminal vesicles. They also lubricate and nourish the sperm.

What gland produces seminal fluid?

The prostate gland produces seminal fluid, which helps nourish and protect sperm during ejaculation.

Where in the reproduction system does special fluid get added to sperm cells?

Special fluid is added to sperm cells in the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. These glands produce seminal fluid that contains nutrients, enzymes, and other substances that support and nourish the sperm cells.

Does seminal fluid look like sperm?

No, seminal fluid is the liquid that carries sperm. Seminal fluid is typically clear or white in color and is produced by the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands, while sperm are tiny, tadpole-like cells that swim in the seminal fluid.