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Q: Which condition commonly accompanies migraine headaches?
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Related questions

Do migraines commonly cause neck pains?

Migraine headaches have been known to cause neck pain. Neck pain may also precede migraine headaches, thus serving as an indicator of an oncoming attack.

Which essential oil is used to get rid of a migraine?

Peppermint oil is one of the most commonly used essential oils to treat headaches and migraine attacks. Check out

Are there any websites that can help me find migraine headache diet?

Apparently it is true there are certain foods you can eat that will help with migraine headaches. The condition and the symptoms can be avoided.���diet-headache-migraine.html

How are migraine headaches classified?

Migraine headaches are classified by the International Headache Society (IHS) as primary headaches, which means that they are not caused by other diseases or disorders.

Does Migraine cause headaches?

Very bad headaches, yes.

Is migraine headaches a cephalagia?

Yes, Migraine headache pain is a cephalalgia.

What kind of headaches does Scott get?


Is it dangerous migraine?

Migraine headaches are not a dangerous thing. They are rarely life threatening.

Is there a diet that reduces migraine headaches?

Yes, there are things you can eat or drink to help with migraine headaches. One, is to increase the amount of water you drink.���diet-headache-migraine.html

What treatment is recommended for headaches caused by mastocytosis?

Headaches respond to migraine treatment.

What treatment is recommneded for headaches caused by mastocytosis?

Headaches respond to migraine treatment.

What is migraine prophylaxis?

Preventive treatment for migraine headaches is called migraine prophylaxis or prophylactic therapy. Another term is Migraine Preventive Therapy.