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acute renal failure

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Christelle Borer

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Q: Which condition can be caused by the kidneys not receiving enough blood to filter due to dehydration or a sudden drop in blood volume or blood pressure?
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Does lasix cause dehydration and hypotension?

Lasix is a brand name of frusemide. Frusemide is a diuretic - i.e. it causes the kidneys to produce more urine. If the fluid passed is not replaced by drinking then dehydration can occur. If there is dehydration then there will be a drop in blood pressure due to reduced intravascular volume.

Dehydration can lead to what long term effect on kidneys?

Kidney stones.

Do kidneys hurt from dehydration?

yes, the blood is thicker than normal so your kidneys have to work harder to filter the waste.

When dehydration occurs what hormone secreted by the pituitary causes the kidneys to conserve water?


What can be prevented by drinking water to replace the water lost through the skin lungs and kidneys?


What makes the kidneys absorb more water?

The kidneys absorb more water when the hormone vasopressin signals the kidneys to reabsorb water back into the bloodstream. This occurs when the body needs to conserve water or is in a state of dehydration.

Are the kidneys affected by blood pressure?

I can tell you that high blood pressure, if it is not brought under control, can cause the kidneys to fail completely.

Why is it important for the kidneys to regulate the fluid in your body?

The kidneys regulate fluid in the body to maintain proper balance of electrolytes, fluid volume, and blood pressure. This helps in filtering waste products from the blood and maintaining overall body function. Failure to regulate fluid balance can lead to dehydration or fluid overload, causing health issues.

What causes high creatinine in your kidneys?

High creatinine levels in the blood can be caused by kidney damage or failure, dehydration, certain medications, high-protein diets, or certain medical conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure. When kidneys are not functioning properly, they may not be able to properly filter out creatinine from the blood, leading to elevated levels.

Why does your lower back or kidney region hurt when you are dehydrated?

It is because your kidneys are trying to remove the waste products from your blood but as the blood is quite thick from the dehydration the kidneys are having to work extra hard.

Where would pain appear if kidneys were receiving painful stimuli?

in your lower back, the lumbar area

What organ is most likely to be damaged if a person cannot urinate?

The kidneys or the bladder, depending on the condition.