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Q: Which class of nutrients enters the body via the lymph?
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A nutrient is considered to be outside the body until it enters?

the blood or lymph system..... (:

Interstitial fluid contains or is?

Interstitial fluid is the fluid that surrounds and bathes the cells in the body, providing them with nutrients and removing waste products. It is derived from blood plasma and contains ions, nutrients, gases, and waste products, serving as a medium for cellular communication and transport.

Once interstitial fluid enters the collecting vessels what is it called?

Once interstitial fluid enters the collecting vessels, it is called lymph. Lymph is a clear fluid that contains white blood cells and proteins, and it plays a crucial role in the immune system by transporting these cells and proteins throughout the body.

What happens to your food when it enters the body?

When food enters your body it gets digested into the intestines, then it pulls out all of the nutrients in the food and the bad stuff comes out into the toilet.

What leaves the body cells and enters the blood then leaves the blood cells and enters the lungs?

NUTRIENTS AND OXYGEN also water, minerals, and vitamins

What do your lymph's do?

Lymph protect your body

Is lymph composed of water that has escaped from cytosol?

Not exactly. Lymph is a clear fluid that contains white blood cells and comes from fluid leaked from blood vessels as well as fluid that bathes the body's cells. This fluid re-enters the bloodstream after being filtered through lymph nodes.

What is the function of the lymphatic vessel?

Our cells are located in a sea of lymph, a pale fluid. The lymphatic vessels run parallel to the blood veins in the body. The vessels of the lymph system are filled with a fluid called lymph that is collected from the space between the cells in the body. The lymph fluids feed the cells of the body by transporting various nutrients such as salts, minerals, and proteins to every cell of the bodyRead more: What_do_lymph_vessels_do

Where does lymph originally come from?

Lymph is basically the fluid that is between the cells of the body (interstitial fluid), and is basically the same as blood plasma. It initially leaks out of the arteries because the blood in the arteries are under higher hydrostatic pressure than the tissues on the outside of the arteries. As it collects in the tissues, it is sucked up by the lymph system and returned to circulation in the subclavian vein.

How does the way lymph drains from the right thoracic duct differ from the way it drains from the left thoracic duct?

Lymph from the right thoracic duct drains into the right subclavian vein, while lymph from the left thoracic duct drains into the left subclavian vein. Additionally, lymph from the right side of the head and neck, right upper limb, and right thorax enters the right lymphatic duct, while lymph from the rest of the body enters the thoracic duct.

What is the name of the place where nutrients enters blood?

The small intestine is the place where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. This process allows the nutrients from the food we eat to be distributed throughout the body to support various bodily functions.

What kind of obstacles will a sperm encounter once it enters the female body?

You will learn in health class. Just Wait....