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Q: Which city has the most people with Tourette's syndrome?
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Who is most likely to get tourettes syndrome?

People with parents who have it- 50% Boy- 3-4 times more than girls Premature babies- Connection unknown

Is it dangerous to be in a relationship with a person with Tourette's Syndrome?

No, not at all. Tourettes Syndrome is not dangerous at all. Someone with tourettes has occasional "tics" where their body jerks or they say something they don't mean to say. It is very difficult to control tourettes and scientists have only recently begun discovering how to help someone with tourettes other than using medication. Just because someone has a disability, it does not mean they are "dangerous" or "dangerous to be in a relationship with". They definitely should not be treated differently because they have a disability. Most people with disabilities are more sensitive or caring than those without disabilities. Whoever told you it is dangerous to be in a relationship with a tourettes sufferer has broken the law (Disability Discrimination).

Are there any marines with Asperger's Syndrome?

It's possible - MOST people with Asperger's Syndrome don't have the emotional strength for the military.

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Most people live in the city.

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New York City Has The Most People In America

What is the cure for Tourrettes syndrome?

Sorry to say, but there is no cure of any kind for Tourette's Syndrome. However, when I have a bout or I get a patient with a tic disorder, I tell them to read a book or do a puzzle, which disengages the part of the brain which causes the tics, resulting in an almost complete remission of the tics whilst they are performing these actions. Sources: I have Tourette's and a PhD in Neurobiology

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The most populous city in Alabama is Birmingham.

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The most populous city in New Hampshire is Manchester.