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Antibiotics can cure almost all bacterial infections. There are a few drugs that can treat viral infections. Many viral infections can be prevented by vaccinations. Many viral infections do not have a cure.

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Q: Which can be cured virus or bacteria?
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What type of bacteria causes HIV?

A bacteria can't cause AIDS. AIDS is a virus which is why it can't be cured.

If you have the cold virus and you drink from a bottle how long until that bottle's mouthpiece no longer has the virus on it?

Probably until the person who had the virus is cured. But you never know how long bacteria can last.

Is a virus or bacterium larger?

A bacterial cell is a single-celled organism, but a virus is just a protein wall containing DNA or RNA, which it injects into the nucleus of a cell to cause it to start replicating the virus's NA rather than the cell's own. Bacteria are large enough to be seen with optical microscopes, but virus's are so small they weren't discovered until electron microscopes came along. Bacteria are alive and virus's are not. Bacteria can be killed and therefor cured. Virus's live in the blood and they can be treated but not cured and it could always show itself again. bacteria are cellular form of life, bacteria can be good or bad. Good bacteria in intestines which help digestion, bad bacteria such as pathogens are able to reproduce on their own. Virus's are pathogenic, virus's are not cells, and they reproduce by taking over cells.

Is a bacterial infection caused by a virus?

No, a bacterial infection is caused by a bacteria and therefore can be easily cured with medicine and is sometimes communicable (can be caught), whereas a viral infection is caused by a virus and is always communicable. A virus cannot be cured but only the symptoms can be treated, major virus' are usually prevented by a vaccine which is a dead or weakened strain of the virus injected into the blood stream allowing the immune system to recognize the virus if it were ever to unintentionally enter the body.

Is conjuctivitis caused by bacteria virus or fungi?

Bacteria and virus

Is bronchitis a virus or bacteria?


Is blood drawn a virus?

no blood is not a virus because if it is a virus then we should not be cured every after every disease

Is typhoid fever caused by bacteria virus or parasite?

Bacteria Virus

Is pneumonia caused by a virus or bacteria?

a bacteria. the bacteria that causes pneumonia is called pneumoniae.

What can be cured by antibiotics?

bacteria, sore throat and bacterical infection can be cured by antibiotics. thank you.

Who is bigger virus or bacteria?


Which is bigger a virus or a bacteria?
