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None. They're slightly different, leading to differences in performance in certain tasks (clasically, women perform better in language, whilst men perform better in mental rotation/maths). However, this could be due to different upbringing.

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Q: Which brain is better man brain or woman brain?
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Can men sing better than women?

Technically, no. Individual persons could probably sing better than others. Maybe a man sounds better than a woman. But, the man may not sound better than another woman - and vice versa.

Is a transsexual a man trying to be a woman?

No, a transsexual woman is a woman born wrongly with male parts. They are not becoming anything else, but they are merely fixing their bodies to be what they should have been like all along. Removing the penis turns no man into a woman, but a person who was born a woman inside would never really want a penis permanently attached to their body. Also, keep in mind that there are transsexual men too. They were wrongly born with female parts and want them to be gone. When a gender is prefixed by the word transsexual, the gender is always what the person identifies as, and who they were in the brain since the first trimester in the womb. A transsexual woman has always had the brain, nature, and being of a woman, even though they were born with the wrong parts for a woman. A transsexual man has always had the brain, nature, and being of a man, even though he was born with the wrong parts for a man.

How do you use suavity in sentence?

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