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Aging happens. Some might think puberty happens, but that is when you are first becoming a teenager or a young adult.

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Q: Which body changes occur after an individual has become an adult?
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Why changes occur during puberty?

Changes occur because this is the period in which the body changes from a child into an adult. The sexual organs develop and allow the person to be able to create new life, IE, babies. It is the circle of life. IT'S ADOLECENCE, THEY Occur cuz you need to become a grown up so that you can have sex...HOW old are you?

After drinking alcohol what changes occur in the body?

After drinking alcohol the following changes occur in the body; * vision becomes blurred * reactions become slower * body begins to produce vomit.

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Embryology focuses primarily on the study of the development of an individual from fertilization to birth. It does not typically cover structural changes that occur throughout an individual's entire lifespan, which falls more under the realm of other fields like developmental biology or gerontology. Embryology mostly addresses early stages of life and organism formation.

Do emocional change occur of hormones of puberty?

Yes, there are many changes that occur due to hormones. Due to high level of testosterone, boys may become more aggressive.

The process by which an adult organism arises is called?

The process by which an adult organism arises is called development or growth. It involves a series of coordinated changes in structure and function that occur progressively over time.

What is intra-individual change?

Intra-individual change refers to changes that occur within an individual over time, such as changes in behaviors, attitudes, or skills. It involves examining how an individual's characteristics or traits evolve as they grow or experience new life events. This concept is often studied in psychology and other social sciences to understand how individuals develop and adapt over time.

What changes occur as the conducting tubes of the lungs become smaller?

Cartilage rings are gradually replaced by regular plates of cartilage!

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What does acculturation have to do with identity?

Acculturation is defined as changes which occur as a result of the meeting of different cultures. It has an effect on identity in that each individual culture takes on the traits of the other.

How is adaptation relative to change over time?

Any organism that can't adapt to changes that occur over time in its' environment will become extinct.