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Q: Which birth control method should a woman with a history of pelvic inflammatory disease be advised to avoid?
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How do you get antritis?

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease. It can be caused by family history, the person's gender, age, and obesity. There are treatments available but no cure.

What has the author Gordon M Patterson written?

Gordon M. Patterson has written: 'The mosquito crusades' -- subject(s): History, Control, Mosquitoes as carriers of disease, Mosquito Control, History, 20th Century, Mosquitoes

How do you prevent arthritis if you have family history?

You don't unless you have a history of gout and in that case some dietary restrictions may be helpful ( the control of purine rich foods). However to date there has been no cure developed for arthritis. There are means that may help control damage caused by the onset of inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Do I have a higher risk of atrial fibrillation if I have a family history of heart disease?

Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heartbeat. Atrial fibrillation has been linked to heart disease and evidence suggests it may be hereditary. Taking measures to lower your heart disease risk are advised. Specifically, don't smoke, get regular exercise and have a healthy diet.

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what is the history on the anthrax disease

What types of patient are advised against modafinil use?

Modafinil may not be suitable for persons with a history of liver or kidney disease, mental illness, high blood pressure, angina (chest pain ), irregular heartbeats, or other heart problems

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lifelong disease

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people with Hansen's disease been treated throughout history by searching it up!

Do you need to be advised it's a salvage car?

When buying the salvage vehicle, ensure that you search the history of the vehicle.

What was the most deadly disease in history?

The plague.

What isn't a voluntatry risk factor for heart disease?

A long family history of heart disease

When was the first case of autoimmune disease reported diagnosed or recorded in history?

Wikipedia- cushing's disease.