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Only mammals nurse (breast feed) their young. The only flying mammals are bats.

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14y ago

All mammals breast feed their young. That would include among many others; dogs, cats, people, horses, dolphins, and squirrels.

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Q: Which are the birds which breast feed its smaller ones?
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A feed trough or feed bunk. The smaller ones are called "mangers."

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You pretty much cannot. Place numerous feeders out, and this will give the smaller birds a better chance.

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You can feed in a few different places and if you put sufficient food in, the smaller ones should get some.

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Answeranteaters,birds, and turtles.Better ones..Anteaters, Pangolin, Praying mantis.

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Just like humans although they don't need as much oxygen because they're smaller(most birds) The bigger ones breath like us!

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Not all birds. Only sea birds such as seagulls. Seagulls would eat the bigger ones, and smaller shorebirds eat sandcrabs and other crustacians under the sand.

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Common Garter or Garden snakes eat the same as larger ones, except they feed on smaller worm or larvae and insects.

Is it normal to feed the birds tuppence a bird?

No one feeds birds coin of the realm. They can't digest it, and it's a waste of coinage.You can try to feed birds at a cost of tuppence a bird, but I suspect it costs cinsiderably more than that these days.In the Disney movie "Mary Poppins", Mary sings the song, "Feed the Birds" about an old woman who sells bag of bread crumbs for tuppence (2 cents) a bag on the steps of St Paull's church. The words are "Feed the birds, Tuppence a bag..."Feed The Birds (Tuppence a Bag)Early each day to the steps of Saint Paul'sThe little old bird woman comes.In her own special way to the people she calls,"Come, buy my bags full of crumbs.Come feed the little birds, show them you careAnd you'll be glad if you do.Their young ones are hungry,Their nests are so bare;All it takes is tuppence from you."Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag."Feed the birds," that's what she cries,While overhead, her birds fill the skies.All around the cathedral the saints and apostlesLook down as she sells her wares.Although you can't see it, you know they are smilingEach time someone shows that he cares.Though her words are simple and few,Listen, listen, she's calling to you:"Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag."