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The Giant Squid, Architeuthis dux.

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Q: Which animal have the largest nerve bundles?
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What are bundles of neurones?

A nerve is a bundle of neurones

What are bundles of neurons called?


What consists of one or more bundles of neurons?

A nerve

What is vestibular nerve?

The surgeon enters the internal canal of the ear and separates the nerve bundles governing hearing from the nerve bundles that govern the sense of balance, in order to control the patient's vertigo without sacrificing hearing

What are Bundles of axons are called?

Bundles of axons are called nerves. Nerves transmit electrical signals between the brain and other parts of the body.

What is the name of a group of nerve cells?

A group of nerve cells or neurons is called ganglia.

What are the longitudinal bundles of nerve fibers within the spinal cord compise major nerve pathways called?

The longitudinal bundles of nerve fibers within the spinal cord that comprise major nerve pathways are called tracts. These tracts are organized based on their function and transmit information to and from different regions of the body to the brain.

What is the location of the perineurium connective tissue covering?

The perineurium connective tissue covers and encapsulates bundles of nerve fibers called fascicles within a nerve. It is located between the endoneurium (which surrounds individual nerve fibers) and the epineurium (which surrounds the entire nerve).

The bundles of neurons that transmit impulses over long distances are called?

The bundles of neurons that transmit impulses over long distances are called nerves. Nerves are composed of axons, which are the long fibers that carry electrical impulses from one part of the body to another.

What does nerve bundles of the body are routed through?

The thick bundle of nerve fibers through which the brain communicates with the body is the spinal cord.

What is a large mass of closely packed leaf like bundles of nerve cells?
