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Q: Which animal has Smallest red blood cell?
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Related questions

Are white blood cells the smallest blood cells?

The granule cell of the cerebellum is the smallest cell in the human body, but the red blood cell is the smallest blood cell.

Is red blood cell a plant or animal cell?

Animal cell - plants don't have blood

What is the smallest human cell the white or red blood cell beside the spermatozoon?

I Don't Know but it's either the red blood cell, white blood cell, platelet, or plasma.its the platelet

What animal has the worlds smallest red blood cells?


How big is the world's smallest guitar?

the world's smallest guitar is the size of a red blood cell

What is a animal cell that has no nucleus?

An erythrocyte or red blood cell has no nucleus.

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Do red blood cells have a cell wall?

No, red blood cells are eukaryotic animal cells.

Is a red blood cell a plant cell or an aniaml cell?

Animal cell, Plants don't bleed do they?

Is a red blood cell a plant or an animal cell?

Ask Mr Abrar, I don't know

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simple sperm cell red blood cell nerve cell