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there was doctors during the black death but if they were poor they didnt treat them they would only treat the rick people back then but we dont have the black death now

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4y ago

Sorry to correct you, but we indeed still have all three types of plagues. The black death was surely awful but you could still get it. And, if you went to the hospital early on you could have higher chance of surviving.

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since there now is a cure for the black death doctors will cure you.

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If you and the baby are perfectly healthy then nothing is the matter. For millions of years there were no doctors... (but infant mortality and death during childbirth was rather large during the last few thousand years when no doctors were available). I would suggest visiting a doctor just in case.

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See a doctor, medicine is much more advanced than it was during the more famous outbreak

What would you do if you got the black deaf?

since there now is a cure for the black death doctors will cure you.

Did some of the doctors get the black death?

Yes, when they came in contact with it they would get it and die

If the Black Death returned would doctors and hospitals be able to stop it?

While some would preish in due course as an outbreak of plague was identified and contained, the level of mortality would be nowhere near as high during the Black Death; yes, eventually.

Was the Black Death spreading during the Age Of Exploration?

The black death was a big turning point for Europe because of everything that had gone on during the black plague. After the black death people saw how terribly they wee living and disided to change it and now that have become much more cleaner and cautios.

How did the black death affect the healthy people?

It affected them because the doctors stopped attending the patients that has buboes ( black death infection). And they died after three days