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the circulatory system (blood stream)

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Q: Where will alcohol that is not immediately metabolized by the liver end up?
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Why is the liver damaged by excess alcohol?

Alcohol eats away at your organs which will then damage the liver. Alcohol should not be a "oh lets go party" drink, you should only be drinking to drink it not to get drunk and want to party. The more alcohol you drink the more your liver is going to be ate away at. With out your liver, it will be the end of you :(

What is the end product of alcohol digestion?

Alcohol digestion primarily involves the liver breaking down alcohol into acetaldehyde and then into acetate. Acetate can then be further metabolized into carbon dioxide and water for elimination from the body.

How is alcohol dangerous?

alcohol is dangerous because if you are a bad alcoholic it can ruin your liver and you then might end up needing a transplant.

Why does the liver end up being 'hurt' by all types of different poisons and how?

*****THE HUMAN BODY HAS A "FILTER"*****THINK OF YOUR LIVER AS A "FILTER" for your body. Everything that you ingest, goes through your liver before it leaves your body in the form of waste. Medications, alcohol, vitamins, poisons, etc... ALL pass through the "filter" (your liver). If you drink alcohol over a long period of time, it takes it's toll on your liver, like a filter that is overworked. Same thing if you take medications, even Tylenol, or just about anything in large quantities over a period of time, it taxes or overworks your liver, and the liver can become damaged and inflamed. Cirrhosis is one type of inflammation of the liver, caused by too much alcohol. Alcohol mixed with medication also can overwork the liver, causing damage. Tylenol bottles now carry a warning label about mixing alcohol and Tylenol. They have found cases of liver damage and even liver failure when the two are mixed, in medium to large doses. So poison is not the only thing that can "hurt" your liver. It is only one extreme example of what can hurt your liver.

When glucose is metabolized in the absence of oxygen one of the end products is?

lactic acid

When did The Liver Birds end?

The Liver Birds ended on 1978-12-29.

What are the end products of deamination?

The end products of deamination are ammonia (NH3) and a keto acid. Ammonia can be converted into urea in the liver before being excreted by the kidneys, while the keto acid can be further metabolized for energy production.

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Deforestation would immediately result in the end of forests and the end of the polar icecape and humans.......

Does hemophilia affect drinking beer?

Yes, a person with Hemophilia can drink alcohol, however drinking in excess is not good for anyone. Alcohol itself does not interact with the actual medications taken (Clotting Factor Proteins) for hemophilia. Since alcohol can thin a person's blood, alcohol consumption can make a current bleeding issue worse. If there is no active bleed, alcohol should make little to no difference in that end of the hemophiliac's medical spectrum. Other complications often found in some older hemophiliacs may include liver disease at which point alcohol definitely creates a larger problem and can speed up liver damage but this is not due to hemophilia itself. In short, Alcohol in excess is not good for anyone, but hemophiliacs can drink alcohol if they are conscious of their own situation and are responsible about it.

Can you drink alcohol after taking 600mg of ibuprofen?

== == * The use of Ibuprofen with 3 or more ounces of alcohol a day may greatly increase the risk of stomach ulcers or bleeding after a period. If you throw up and it looks like coffee grounds -- or you have black tarry stools -- consult your doctor immediately.* You can take anything you want and consume alcohol. However, your liver is the organ that everything passes through to be metabolized. The more you stress your liver, the higher the chance that you will destroy it and either die, or sit on a long list for a transplant. So, be good to your liver and ingest the minimum amount of anything!

How long does it take to die of beer posinen?

its called POISONING. and...there is no such thing as beer poisoning...only alcohol poisoning. alcohol poisoning does not have to end lethally, but it can. normally, you can identify alcohol poisoning by vomiting and unconsciousness. if it is very bad, visit a doctor immediately. normally it takes 30 minutes for alcohol to unfold its full power on your body. death due to alcohol poisoning takes longer, because your body struggles for quite a time.

In what ways did the end of Prohibition mark the end of an era?

The end of prohibition marked the end of the era of criminals smuggling in alcohol. People no longer needed to sneak around to get their alcohol.