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Q: Where were the body heat activated orthodontic wires developed?
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How are organic systems activated or stimulated and developed through activity?

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How is a human body developed?

the human body is developed of bones and Harmone's

What is the function of plasminogen in the body?

When plasminogen is activated, it causes the production of plasmin.

What skin structures are activated when the body loses excess heat?

sweat glands

What if your speech was a success You feel your body calming down What is activated?

Parasypathetic division

What makes brain cells different from other body cells?

they are different time are activated

What has been activated in the body when you get sweaty hands and cheeks feel hot?

The Autonomic System

How does activated charcoal remove poison from a person's body?

Activated charcoal works by binding to toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, preventing them from being absorbed into the bloodstream. This helps to limit the impact of ingested poisons by reducing their bioavailability and facilitating their elimination from the body through feces. It is important to administer activated charcoal soon after ingestion to be effective.

What is the motor parts of the body?

The wires and the permanent magnet

When the sympathetic branch is activated?

When the sympathetic branch is activated, it initiates the body's fight-or-flight response by increasing heart rate, dilating the airways, and releasing stress hormones like adrenaline. This response helps the body prepare to deal with perceived threats or dangers.

How zymogens are activated?

Zymogens are activated through proteolytic cleavage by specific enzymes, converting them into their active form. This activation step usually occurs in response to specific signals or conditions in the body. Once activated, the zymogen can perform its intended biological function.

Do genes kick in?

Sort of, different genes are activated at different stages of body growth and in different tissues.