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the black death first arrived in the UK in the south where all the boats came in.

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Q: Where the black plague started in the UK?
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What is the real common name for plague?

The common name for bubonic plague is the Black Death.

What year did the plague start in China?

it started in japan 2010

Was the black plague during the medieval times?

yes it was, started in 1347

Where did the black plague began?

The black plague started in 1348 and was caused by flees carried by rats and spread through out Europe, the black plague killed 30-60% of the population. The disease could be caught just by breathing the air around the infected people.

What caused the Black Plague to cease?

The plague ceased when the great fire of London happened and finnished the epidemic in the UK by the fire killing the rats and fleas

What started the plague during the dark ages?

Black Death was started in China. Mongol army camps were the first to witness it.

Was the black plague started by Jews?

No. Unfortunately, though, it was a prevalent view in the Middle Ages that Jews caused the Black Plague through secret Jewish sorcery.Of course, science has revealed that the Black Plague was spread by fleas living on rats and biting people. The Black Plague was also spread by coughing and when the pustules were touched (presumably to "heal" the person).

What Was another name for bubonic plague?

Another name for the plague is the black death

What year did the black plague begin around?

The black plague, also known as the bubonic plague, started in Central Asia in 1338 and then reached China and India by 1346. By 1347 it infected the Black Sea port of Kaffa. The first outbreaks in Enland started in 1348. In July 1349, it spread to Scotland and by 1350 it was in Scandanavia. By 1351 it was in Kiev, Ukraine.

Did they have doctors when the plague started?

Doctors did exist at the time of the medieval black plague, however, they did not know anything about the cause or treatment of the plague, and were useless. Medical science was extremely primitive at that period of history.

What was plague in the 1600s?

The symptons of the London are big boils which went swolen and turned black. You coughed alot and your tongue turned black. They are the symptons of the plague in London.

In what city did the black plague start?

The black plague first started in Constantinople in the 6th century. It didn't appear again until the 14th century in Europe. In the 1890s, small outbreaks hit India.