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trachea, larynx and tip of nose

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Q: Where on the human skeleton would you be likely to find hyaline cartilage?
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Related questions

Does hyaline cartilage form the bodies of vertebrae?

Bone, not hyaline cartilage, forms the bodies of human vertebrae. The vertebrae are considered irregular bones.

How many sorts of cartilage are present in the human skeleton?

There are 3 type of cartilage present in the human body

Where in the skeleton of a human do you find cartilage?

In your nose and ears.

Which type of system compose of the skeleton of sharks and human embryos?


How are shark bodys different from humans?

A shark's "skeleton" is made of cartilage while human skeleton is made of bone.

Are dolphins made of cartilage?

Dolphin skeletons are not made of bones like most mammals. Instead their skeleton is made of a tough, flexible tissue called cartilage. It is the same thing that human ears are made of.

What part of the long bone protects articulating surface?

Articular cartilage, also called hyaline cartilage, is the smooth, glistening white tissue that covers the surface of all the freely moveable joints, such as the knee and shoulder, in the human body.

What different purposes does cartilage serve in the human skeleton?

It allows your rib cage to move when the lungs inhale and exhale

When you are born what is most of your skeleton made up of?

At birth, the majority of the human skeleton is mineralized bone, although there are still cartilage growth plates in all the long bones.

What is the name of human tissue that contain 85 percent of water?

The name of the human tissue that contains around 85% water is hyaline cartilage. This type of cartilage is found in joints and the respiratory tract, providing cushioning and support while allowing flexibility and movement.

What are some of the human body parts that start with the letter h?

Heart, head, honker(aka nose), hooters(aka boobs). That is all I know Hip, Humerus, Hymen, hyaline cartilage,

Are human bones rough or smooth?

Human bones are typically rough in texture due to the presence of tiny bumps, grooves, and ridges on their surface. The outer layer of bones, known as the periosteum, can feel rough to the touch. Additionally, bones can feel smooth in areas where there are cartilage or muscle coverings.