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TB is found in the lungs. However, it only kills around 80% of carriers. There have been many people who live with TB and their body is able to prevent it from going too far. TB is carried by many people and it is very simple to pick up. It can be picked up any where on the planet, it is an air born disease. This means someone who has tuberculosis will be coughing a lot and the phlegm that is propelled through the air by the cough carries the disease and will spread when someone else comes into contact with the diseased spittle.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Myccobacterium tuberculosis is an obligate aerobe and so it requires large amounts of oxygen to survive. Therefore it's often found in the lungs for that would be the main source of oxygen in the human body.

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12y ago

Tuberculosis is most common in the African Region since 2005, but it has decresed in population since then.

Tuberculosis is most common in the African Region since 2005, but it has decresed in population since then.

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12y ago
  • in countries that have a lot of poor people in it sweety
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13y ago

It is most common in areas of crowding and poor ventilation, such as crowded urban areas and prisons.

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14y ago

it is usually found all over the world

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13y ago

in the lungs

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12y ago
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In the lungs.

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Q: Where is tuberculosis most likely to be found?
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Primarily or most commonly the lungs but can be found in other organs

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Tuberculosis is found mainly in the lungs.

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Tuberculosis is caused by a bacteria which has no nucleus. It has DNA, but it is not found inside a membrane such as we have in our cells.

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no both can get it equally

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Tuberculosis likely originated in Africa over 70,000 years ago and spread globally through human migration. With increased urbanization and overcrowding in the 18th and 19th centuries, it became more prevalent in Europe and North America. Today, TB is found worldwide, with higher incidence in developing countries due to factors like poverty and lack of healthcare access.

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A cow infected with active bovine tuberculosis sprayed saliva in my water and i drank the water. What chance of getting bovine tuberculosis?

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Where is Tuberculosis common?

It is worldwide But it is mostly found in Africa and least found in Australia

Robert Koch found the specific bacteria that causes which of these?

He discovered many different bacteria, but the most widely known one was probably Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which he discovered was the cause of Tuberculosis, and won a Nobel prize for this discovery. P.S. your mom