The uterus nourishes the fertilized ovum.
Another term for fertilized ovum is a zygote.
A fertilized ovum is called a zygote.
In IVF, the fertilized ovum is normally placed much higher than the cervix. The ovum would not be able to move from the cervix to the uterus for implantation.
The fertilized ovum implants in uterine in blastula stage
Its the food that a fertilized ovum eats in the early stages of pregnancy if the ovum isn't fertilized then it leaks out because you don't need it
An unfertilized egg is called an ovum. It is a mature female reproductive cell that has not been fertilized by a sperm cell.
If an ovum is not fertilized, it will travel through the fallopian tube to the uterus and eventually be expelled from the body during menstruation.
The fertilized ovum, or zygote, contains 46 chromosomes. These come from the combination of 23 chromosomes from the egg cell and 23 chromosomes from the sperm cell.
A fertilized cell is when a mature ovum (egg) is fertilized by a sperm. It becomes a fertilized cell. The sperm enters the ovum and the tail drops off. Then mitosis occurs and the cell continues to develop.