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between the left gastric and lienal The portal vein(vena portæ) is about 8 cm. in length, and is formed at the level of the second lumbar vertebra by the junction of the superior mesenteric and lienal veins, the union of these veins taking place in front of the inferior vena cava and behind the neck of the pancreas. It passes upward behind the superior part of the duodenum and then ascends in the right border of the lesser omentum to the right extremity of the porta hepatis, where it divides into a right and a left branch, which accompany the corresponding branches of the hepatic artery into the substance of the liver. In the lesser omentum it is placed behind and between the common bile duct and the hepatic artery, the former lying to the right of the latter. It is surrounded by the hepatic plexus of nerves, and is accompanied by numerous lymphatic vessels and some lymph glands.

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16y ago
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10y ago

The hepatic portal vein leads from the internal organs, especially the small intestine, to the liver. Its main purpose is to carry blood that contains digested food such as glucose, from the small intestine to the liver, where some of the food is deposited and stored such as glucose that is stored as glycogen in the liver.

The hepatic portal vein is an abdominal cavity vein that drains blood from the gastrointestinal tract and spleen to the liver. It also receives blood from other veins. It is part of the hepatic portal system, one of the main portal venous systems in the body. Conditions affecting this vein would lead to bigger complications to the rest of the body.

The hepatic portal vein is not a true vein, because it does not conduct blood directly to the heart. It is a vessel in the abdominal cavity that drains blood from the gastrointestinal tract and spleen to capillary beds in the liver. It is usually formed by the confluence of the superior mesenteric and splenic veins and also receives blood from the inferior mesenteric, gastric, and cystic veins. The hepatic portal vein is a major component of the hepatic portal system, and it is one of only two portal venous systems in the body.

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14y ago

The hepatic portal vein is located in the right upper abdomen. This vein takes blood from the gastrointestinal tract and the spleen and takes it to the liver. This allows the liver to process the nutrients taken from the digestive system.

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12y ago

The word hepatic means to do with the liver. The hepatic vein carries deoxygenated blood out of the liver. it joins the vena cava which taked blood back to the heart. There is another vein connected to the liver called the hepatic portal vein. This carries blood and soluble digested food from the gut to the liver

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11y ago

The portal vein is composed of the superior mesenteric and splenic veins.

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13y ago

hepatic portal vein -> liver -> hepatic vein -> vena cava -> heart

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12y ago

its a vessel in the abdominal cavity

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