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Currently there are only three places rabies is not found: the Antarctic, the United Kingdom and Australia. The Antarctic is free of rabies because there are no competent mammalian hosts for the disease. The UK and Australia are free of rabies because they are island nations that have aggressively prevented any animal that could be infected with rabies from getting into the country. This is an on-going and expensive preventive measure, but it is much cheaper than dealing with rabies in the wildlife population.

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Related questions

Why rabies found in dog?

Rabies can be found in almost any animal that has been bitten by another rabid animal., humans can et rabies as well, not just dogs.

Who found a cure for rabies?

there is no cure

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The same time as Harry k found out his dad had rabies

They get rabies from food or sex. How do the animals that give animals rabies get rabies?

Rabies virus is found in the saliva of an infected animal. A bite will transmit it. It is passed from one animal to another this way.

Did rabies start in the 1900s?

No. Records of rabies have been found from more than 4,000 years ago.

Were is rabies found in a cell?

The wee wee or the proper dopper

What diseases are found in bats?

Depends on the species of bat, rabies can be contracted from bats.

Can you get rabies from a wild bird?

"Rabies has been produced in birds experimentally, however, it has never been found in wild bird populations." Birds have been found to have positive titers for rabies: (Gough & Jorgenson, "Rabies antibodies in sera of wild birds". JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, Vol 12, July 1976. -ge

Who found a cure for the bite of mad dogs?

Thefirst rabies vaccine was developed by Louis Pasteur in 1885.

Where in the world is rabies found most often?

95% of rabies death occur in Africa and Asia. 97% of these caused by rabid dog bites. See link below:

Can a person given anti-rabies have effects if the dog has no rabies?

Yes, a person given anti-rabies treatment may experience side effects such as pain at the injection site, headache, nausea, and fatigue even if the dog does not have rabies. It is important to follow medical advice and complete the full course of treatment to prevent rabies infection from developing.

Are rabies deadly?

Rabies has not been found to be contagious from person to person. In theory, if a person infected with rabies were to bite someone else, the virus might spread, but no such cases have been recorded.