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The word cardiac means heart, and the heart is a muscle.

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That would be the heart.

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In the heart.

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Q: Where in the body is the cardiac muscle located?
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Where is the cardiac muscle tissue located in the body?

The cardiac muscle is the type of muscle that the heart is made up of.

Where is the cardiac muscle located?

Well one of the places the cardiac muscle is located in is the heart. The heart is a muscle. It pumps blood in and out of your body and never stops working because its made out of cardiac muscles.

What do cardiac muscles do in the body?

Cardiac muscles help the heart. This is the only place in the body that cardiac muscle is located.

Where is The cardiac muscle?

Well one of the places the cardiac muscle is located in is the heart. The heart is a muscle. It pumps blood in and out of your body and never stops working because its made out of cardiac muscles.

In which part of the body would you find the cardiac muscle?

cardiac muscles are located in the heart only

Where is cardiac muscles?

Well one of the places the cardiac muscle is located in is the heart. The heart is a muscle. It pumps blood in and out of your body and never stops working because its made out of cardiac muscles.

Is cardiac muscle in the brain?

The only Cardiac muscle in the body is the Heart.

Is Cardiac a muscle type that's in the body?

yes, cardiac muscle is found in the heart

Is cardiac muscle located anyway but in the heart?

I'm assuming you mean if the cardiac muscle is located anywhere but in the heart. The answer would be no. It's an involuntary muscle located in walls and histologic foundation of the heart.

Is the cardiac muscle branched?

No. Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are two different types of muscle tissue. Smooth muscle does not have striations (or stripes) and is located in the organs. Cardiac muscle is striated (has stripes) and fits together with gap junctions that allow for quick passage.

Where is Cardiac muscle found and what does it do?

Cardiac muscle is found in the heart. It contracts, causing the heart to beat and blood to circulate through out the body.

What are the 3 different muscle types?

The 3 different types of muscle are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle is located on the walls of hollow organs, cardiac muscle is located on the wall of the heart, and skeletal muscle is located on skeletal muscle organs (most organs). Their functions include movement in walls of hollow organs, pumping of blood, and movement of bones, heat production and posture, respectively. Cardiac and smooth muscle are involuntary, whereas skeletal muscle is voluntary. Both cardiac and skeletal muscles have striations, but smooth muscle does not.