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Small Intestine.

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Q: Where does the majority of digestion and nutrients occur?
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How are digestion and cellular respiration related?

Digestion breaks down food into nutrients that can be absorbed by the body. These nutrients are then used in cellular respiration, a biochemical process that converts these nutrients into energy (ATP) that cells can use to carry out their functions. So, the nutrients obtained through digestion are essential for the cellular respiration process to occur and provide energy to the body.

Where does the majority of protein digestion happen?

Protein mostly gets digested in the stomach, in the stomach is where all the nutrients get sifted like out.

Function of small intestines?

The main function is to digest food as the majority of digestion occurs within the small intestine.

What are in organic nutrients?

The primary site of nutrient digestion is the small intestine, but this also takes place to a lesser extent in the stomach and mouth. The small intestine is also where the majority of digested nutrients are absorbed.

What is the process called when nutrients go from the digestive system and into the bloodstream?


Why does digestion occur inside your body?

The digestion of food starts in the mouth where it is masticated. Saliva is added to form a bolus. This is the start of chemical digestion. Salivary Amylase breaks downs carbs. Food then goes down oesophagus ito stomach where digestion continues. The stomach muscles churn the food with hydrochloric acid and lubricates it with mucus. This then forms a substance called chyme. The hydrochloric acid deactivates salivary amylase and neutralises bacteria. There is a lot more to it but just remember that it starts in the mouth.

Which processes could occur un individual 3?

In an individual, processes that could occur include digestion of food in the stomach, absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, and filtration of waste products in the kidneys.

What are the four stages of processing food that occur in the human body?

The four stages of processing food in the human body are ingestion (taking in food), digestion (breaking down food into nutrients), absorption (absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream), and elimination (removing waste).

When does santorum occur in your digestion?

It does not occur during digestion. Santorum occurs inside the bowels usually.

What does a frog's small intestine do?

A frog's small intestine is in charge of the majority of its digestion. It helps its body absorb nutrients from food.

What is the pocess of digestion?

Nutrients and energy from the food are absorbed into your body.

In which body compartment does carbohydrate digestion not occur?

carbohydrate digestion doesn't occur in the stomach and the large intestine.