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From what I remember of secondary eduation i think the nutrients and oxygen from the food turn into enzymes in the intestines and them they are absorbed through the wall of the intestines and into the bloodstream. Hope I helpd! =)

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15y ago
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15y ago

blood is pumped from the right atrium into the right ventricle to the lungs were the blood is forced through tiny capillaries in the lungs. oxygen diffuses through the capillaries into the blood stream. once oxygenated the blood travels back to the heart were it entres the left atrium and then the left ventricle. from here blood is pumped around the body to were ever it is needed muscles etc were oxygen is diffused from the blood stream. wastes aswell as food and water are gained into the blood stream the same way as oxygen in each of their respective areas- through a set of tiny capillairies.

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8y ago

They are able to pass through very small blood vessels called capillaries.

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