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to the hepatic portal vein and then to the liver.

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11y ago

it goes round and round in a loop you never loose your blood

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Q: Where does blood go after leaving the intestine?
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Where does blood leaving the intestine go?

to the hepatic portal vein and then to the liver.

Blood leaving the intestine goes by way of a vein to the?

Blood leaves the intestine through the hepatic portal vein and goes to the liver.

Where does junk protein go after leaving the small intestines?

The large intestine.

Were does blood go to get nutrients?

the nutrients enter the blood in the small intestine. The lining of the small intestine is called the villi, that is were the blood is absorbed into the bloodstream

When blood leaves small intestine where does it go?

To the liver.

Where does the water in the large intestine go?

It gets absorbed into the columnar cells lining the large intestine and from there, it enters the blood stream.

Where does food absorb and go in the blood?

Nutrients are absorbed from the small intestine the blood (red) vessel travel through.

Why does blood flow into the small intestine?

Small intestine is where the food enters the blood.

What is the Organ that absorbs some minerals and water after leaving small intestine?

The colon (large intestine) is responsible for absorbing water and certain minerals from the remaining indigestible food material after it has passed through the small intestine. The absorbed water and minerals are then reabsorbed into the bloodstream to maintain hydration and electrolyte balance in the body.

Why does blood flow to the intestine?

Small intestine is where the blood picks up nutrients from what has been eaten

All blood leaving the GI tract first go to what?

All blood leaving the GI tract first goes to the liver through the hepatic portal vein for processing and detoxification before entering the general circulation.

What part of the apparatus represents small intestine?