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For cats and dogs bigger veterinary hospitals keeps a list of donor animals, whose owners allows the hospital to use their pets as donors. In return, the pet (owner) is usually offered a free medical check-up(for the pet) or some similar favor or bonus.

And of course, if your pet is a blood donor, there's a good chance that there will be some blood available if your pet would even need a transfusion itself.

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Q: Where do vets get blood for animal transfusions?
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Nowadays blood is screened for illnesses before it is used in transfusions.

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How do vets examine animals?

Well, vets do a lot of things when they examine animals. I don't know all of them but I do know that they have to find out what is wrong with the animal. To do that, you have to take data from the animal. I think they take a needle, get blood from the animal and examine that. Then they work on that and the animal is feeling better and healthy again.

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Blood transfusions.

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Charles Drew expanded the knowledge of blood banking and blood transfusions.

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Blood transfusions are not taboo in the Catholic church. =Answer= The above poster is correct and you are thinking of Jehovah Witness.

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You sure can! You are just unable to give or donate blood from now on.

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Why is artificial blood used instead of real blood?

Standing there enough blood for transfusions.

Who discovered pure plasma could be used in blood transfusions?

The person who discovered pure plasma could be used in blood transfusions was robert koch in 1981

What year had the most blood transfusions?

An exact year is impossible to identify but the most blood transfusions likely occurred during wars due to mass casualties.