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Cranial nerves

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Q: Where do the major brain nerves exit?
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Where do the cranial nerves exit?

The cranial nerves exit from the brainstem. They emerge from specific openings in the skull called foramina, which are small bony passageways. These openings provide a pathway for the cranial nerves to exit the skull and innervate different parts of the head and neck.

How many pairs of nerves leave the central nervous system?

There are 31 pairs of nerves that leave the central nervous system - 12 pairs of cranial nerves that exit from the brain and 31 pairs of spinal nerves that exit from the spinal cord.

What twelve structures receive and send sensory and motor signals between the body and the brain?

What 12 structures receive and send sensory and motor signals between the body and brain

What are three major part of nervous system?

Brain. Spinal cord. Nerves

Are nerves in the brain?

yes your nerves is in your brain

What are the 12 pairs of nerves that exit the brain as part of the peripheral nervous system?

The 12 pairs of nerves that exit the brain are the cranial nerves. (CN I) Olfactory, (CNII) Optic, (CN III) Oculomotor, (CN IV) Trochlear, (CN V) Trigeminal, (CN VI) Abducent, (CN VII) Facial, (CN VIII) Vestibulocochlear, (CN IX) Trigeminal, (CN X) Vagus, (CN XI) Hypoglossal, (CN XII) Hypoglossal Nerves

What are the major organs in the spinal cavity?

The spinal cavity primarily contains the spinal cord, which is the main pathway for transmitting signals between the brain and the body. Surrounding and protecting the spinal cord are the vertebrae (bones) of the spine, as well as the meninges (protective membranes).

What do you call nerves in brain?

nerves in brain are called neurons

Does brain contain nerves?

Yes,I do think so that brain does contain nerves.

Sympathetic nerves exit the CNS through what nerves?

Sympathetic nerves exit the central nervous system through the spinal nerves.

What are the the major parts of nervous system?

The major parts of the nervous system are the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.brain spinal cord and neuron or nerves

What are the organs of the nervous system?

brain and spine