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joints do have blood supply from the nearby surrounding major arteries which actually branch out to form a network around the joint nourishing it.

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Q: Where do joints get blood supply from?
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What is the purpose of cartilages?

The purpose of cartilage is to prevent grinding at the joints and it doesn't get a blood supply so it doesn't heal like it's supposed to!

To what organs does the systemic circulatory system NOT supply blood?

The systemic circulatory system supplies blood to all the organs in the body, ensuring delivery of oxygen and nutrients while removing waste products. It does not supply blood to structures like the cornea in the eye or the cartilage in joints, as these receive nutrients through diffusion.

How do joints respond to homeostasis?

Joints respond to homeostasis by regulating factors like inflammation, blood flow, and nutrient supply to maintain a balance within the joint environment. When homeostasis is disrupted, such as by injury or disease, joints can become inflamed, painful, or degenerate. Physical therapy, proper nutrition, and rest are common strategies to help joints return to homeostasis.

What does avascular but innervated mean?

"Avascular but innervated" means that a tissue or structure lacks a direct blood supply (avascular), but it still has nerve supply (innervated). This usually indicates that the tissue relies on diffusion for its nutrient and oxygen supply, while still being able to communicate with the nervous system. Examples include the cornea of the eye and cartilage in joints.

What is a parakeet blood feather?

A blood feather on any bird is a feather that still has a blood supply to it. A blood supply is necessary for any feather that is still growing. Once grown out, the blood supply dries up. A feather shaft with a blood supply will be red; a feather shaft with no blood supply will be white.

What do you call the blood supply to the heart?

It's the coronary blood supply.

Which tissue has direct blood supply epithelial connective muscle or nervous?

Muscle and Nervous tissue have the highest blood supply while connective is generally good blood supply and epithelium has no direct blood supply

Is arthritis a blood disease?

No it is a disease of the joints

Function of an anastomosis?

it is important especially in joints where joint movements can impede major arterial channels to supply blood to the joint, therefore anastomosis helps to insure blood flow. Besides this, anastomosis is important when a major artery has been blocked and the blood then can be carried through anastomotic arteries.

What is the function of the coronary blood supply?

The coronary blood supply is the arteries which supply the heart itself; in order for the heart to function it needs a good supply of oxygen just the same as any other organ/muscle. Without the coronary blood supply the heart would not be able to pump blood around the body, a disruption in this blood supply would cause a heart attack.

What epidermal layer is closest to a blood supply?

The dermis is the epidermal layer closest to a blood supply. It contains a network of blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells.

What do muscles supply to the bones?

Muscles supply support and a way for bones to move/bend at the joints without falling apart.