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Q: Where do enzymes from the liver and pancreas go?
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What is purpose of liver and pancreas?

the liver produces bile and the pancreas produces enzymes that breakdown food.

Where do the enzymes that digest your food come from?

The liver and the pancreas

Which organ produces digestive enzymes?

The pancreas is the main digestive enzyme-producing organ in the body.

Most of the enzymes and chemicals secreted by the upper end of the small intestine come from?

The enzymes and chemicals secreted by the upper end of the small intestine primarily come from the pancreas and liver. The pancreas releases digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase, and proteases, while the liver produces bile which aids in the digestion and absorption of fats.

How are the liver and pancreas involved in digestion?

The liver helps eliminate toxics from entering your digestive system and the pancreas sends enzymes to the small ingestive.

What does the pancreas produce the liver?

The liver produces bile to break down fats, and filter toxins. The pancreas creates vital enzymes such as amylase. 8======D

Where is chyme mixed with bile and other enzymes produced by the liver and the pancreas?


What organs does the pancreas work with?

It works with faeces and urine like you do!

Explain how bile produces by the liver and enzymes produced in the pancreas function in the small intestine?

The bile produced in the liver eats the fats in the food and the enzymes produced in the pancreas breaks down the fats before the the bile eats it because the enzymes break down the fats in to smaller particlesIt helps neutralize the stomach acid so it wont burn part of the digestive system, the pancreas produces enzymes that flow into the small intestine and help break down starches, proteins, and fats.

What produces most of your digestive enyzmes?

the pancreas/liver produce and store most digestive enzymes.

Which four organs produce or store as enzymes or chemicals that help break down food but are not part of the digestive tract?

The pancreas, the liver, and the gall bladder. PEACE.

What structure delivers digestive enzymes into the small intestines?

pancreas and the gall bladderThe pancreas, liver, and gall bladder deliver their products to the small intestine, in particular the first part called the duodenum, through an opening that is called the major duodenal papilla which is controlled by the sphincter of Oddi.