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There are many places online where one could fine information about ovulation pain online. One could try online sites such as Huggies, or Belly Belly for information regarding ovulation pain.

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Q: Where could one find out about ovulation pain?
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What are ovulation symptoms and the cure for it?

Painful ovulation is not fun and there is treatment available. Some symptoms of ovulation and the pains associated with it are pain on one side of the lower abdomen, pain occurring every month, and pain lasting from a few hours up to days. To treat ovulation pains anti-inflammatory medication is recommended. If taking the non-medication route then a heating pad on the pelvic area can also help relieve pain.

Can I find out my ovulation calendar by using tools online?

Although you could get this information from your doctor, there are also ovulation calendars available online. One that I found was on a site called Mini web tool. By entering some simple information it will create your personal ovulation calendar.

Which symptoms of ovulation are considered normal?

For the majority of women, ovulation starts every 23 to 35 days but this can be delayed due to environmental factors such as stress. Ovulation pain is one of the common symptoms of ovulation and is felt as a pain around the lower abdomen. A drop in body temperature is also noticed during ovulation and a normal increase is faced after ovulation. The cervical mucus will also be watery like a raw egg-white during this period, these symptoms are all normal symptoms to face during the period of ovulation.

Where can I find a ovulation calculator?

It is easy to find Ovulation calculators online if you type in your calculation usually it pops up. i think baby center is one of the best websites however that will help

U are getting period pain 2 weeks before you are due on are u pregnant?

Some women experience mild pain in their lower abdomen when they are ovulating. Typical ovulation symptoms and signs include changes in cervical mucus and a small rise in basal temperature. For most women, ovulation occurs about once every month until menopause, apart from episodes of pregnancy and breastfeeding. About twenty percent of women experience pain and discomfort during ovulation. The duration and intensity of the pain can vary from one woman to the next. Typically, it will last from a few minutes to 48 hours. In most cases, ovulation pain doesn't indicate any sort of problem. Ovulation pain is also known as mid-cycle pain and mittelschmerz (German for 'middle pain').

Can a woman have sharp pain on one ovary when conception takes place?

More likely that this is when ovulation is taking place

Could you have implantation cramps one day after sex during ovulation?

Some women do experience cramps during ovulation. This is most likely what you experienced.

How could you help someone who began abusing painkillers?

It would seem one obvious measure would be to find out was causing the pain. If that could be determined then the addiction to pain killers could gradually be overcome. If the pain is persistant and there is little the doctors can do then a change of pain killer is the next best thing. One that will allow the pain to be more bearable, but also less addictive. The mind can also play a big part in easing the pain. If one can learn to control the mind the pain can also be controlled. I find that finding another distraction can ease pain. Get the person to become so interested in something else other than their pain, that the pain becomes secondary.

What are the causes of liver pain?

There could be many reasons to have liver pain. One could be an infection and another could be cancer. If one is suffering from liver pain, they should seek medical attention.

Could one get pregnant while on period and is ovulation possible after getting pregnant?

Very unlikely.

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Consult a doctor if the pain is bad it must be looked at by a professional. Just go and have him see one it could have more serious problems behind it.

Where can one find a back pain doctor in Houston?

If you are suffering from back pain the best thing would be to visit your doctor or a local chiropractor to try to find the cause of your pain. They could refer you to a relevant specialist if that is what is necessary, or give you suitable medication to help your discomfort.