Have you tried the Learning Assessment & Neurocare Centre - www.lanc.UK.com?
Answerat the maudsley hospital in London with a dr toone but you have to be referred by a pychiatrist, i know this as my gp referred me and he was told this. it is a free assessment and i am awaiting my assessment. there is another hospital i think its in canbridge.not sure
Adult ADHD Center can help you, 1524 Independence Parkway, Plano, TX - (972) 943-0410
grant for college for student with adhd college grant for student with disabilities
adhd can not be treated and pills or patches can help to calm you down but not cure the adhd!
There are no set tests to determine whether or not an adult has ADD/ADHD. However, there are some medical practitioners and online tests that will be able to give advice on whether or not they believe the adult in question has ADD/ADHD.
Yes there are several programs and support groups available to help with adhd.
you dont they have adhd they cant help being like that
Ritalin is a good supplement for ADHD. It is actually effective. Also, recent studies are showing that a healthy diet can also help control ADHD symptoms.
Since the question is asked under the ADD questions category, I'm suggesting that the person with a question seek out a psychologist who has special expertise and experience with ADD/ADHD rather than a general psychologist. You could of course google for psychologist and your town name and the words ADD, ADHD and attention deficit to find those who self identify as attention deficit specialists. But getting a recommendation might be more helpful. I suggest contacting a school for children with learning disabilities and a learning disabilities department of a public school and asking who works well with children with ADHD, in their experience. You may want help for an adult but once you get in touch with those in the ADHD field, they tend to know each other and can tell you who works with adult ADHD. Also see www.boredomBOREDOMboredom.com for more about ADHD.
That depends on the girl. ADHD does not control how she is in every way or affect maturity. There are also different levels of ADHD and how she has been raised and plays a big part. ADHD can be medicated so they have a easier time to concentrate and focus but that has nothing to do with maturity. A 17yo is not an adult yet but more adult than a child. So it depends on the person.
Yes and no. For me (I'm ADHD) it does, some it makes hyper.
Go to your regular doctor and tell him/her your symptoms and that you think you have adhd. It is cheaper than going to psychiatrists or specialists.