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You can find a painted turtle in southern Alberta!

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Q: Where can you find a painted turtle in Alberta?
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What is the painted turtle's niche?

The Ankylosaurs is said to be the Painted Turtle's niche.

Is a painted turtle a terrapin?

No, a land turtle is not the same as a painted turtle because: Land turtle is well a land turtle and painted turtles can be both in land and water. They have different names They Look different

How big is a painted turtle when it's born?

A female painted turtle weighs about 500 grams. A male painted turtle weighs about 300 grams.

What can sun turtles not eat?

"Sun turtle" is not a specific breed of turtle. It is a nickname for a group of turtle species known as Painted Turtles. There are four different types of painted turtles, Eastern Painted, Midland Painted, Southern Painted and Western Painted. Each one has it's own specific dietary requirements. Because sun turtles do not exist and is just a nickname for a group called Painted Turtles, which there are four different species of, you will need to find out exactly which species of painted turtle you own before dietary requirements can be recommended.

How much is cost turtle?

In order to find out the amount of the turtle you need to know what kind of turtle you want. If you want a painted turtle it would be about $24.99, painted turtles are really friendly. If you were wanting a tortoise Greek Tortoise are really nice but are high priced, about $99.99

Are painted turtle's omniverous?

They can eat meat, but I feed my painted turtles turtle pellets

Is a painted turtle and a floating turtle the same?


Can a painted turtle and a musk turtle breed?


Where is a painted turtle's habitat?

The painted turtle's habitat can range from anywhere in North America. It mainly depends on the subspecies of turtle your talking about.

How many times do you feed a painted turtle?

You should feed your painted turtle about every day but not too much or your turtle can get sick.