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Q: Where can someone get a warning you could go blind from my pure awesomeness shirt?
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How could one define the word 'awesomeness'?

The word 'awesomeness' is defined as something that has the quality of being awesome. So a person might say Lionel Messi's best quality is his awesomeness for example.

Who controls the independent variable?

It could be the experimenter, someone else (in a double blind experiment) or nobody.

If you hit someone on back of their head would their eyes pop out?

Simply no, but you could make them blind.

How do you convince your dad to let you get a seeing eye puppy?

Well it depends but do you need a eye seeing puppy if you aren't blind and someone that is blind could properly need it more.

Was Aesop blind?

People believe that he might have been blind because of sculptures of him. They think in order to write his stories he told someone else what the story was so they could write it for him

Is love really blind if yes or no why?

The answer to this question will most likely always be up for a debate. However, technically love can be blind because you could think you wouldn't fall in love with a certain someone, but when you got to know them, you could change your mind.

Why you need dogs?

Because dogs can help tell you if someone broke in your house.Or if your blind it could help guide you through out the house.

What could you say or do to encourage another driver to recogrize the importance of dealing with blind spots?

If you are trying to show someone the importance of paying attention to blind spots while driving, there are a few things you can do. Showing a person a video, highlighting the dangers of not watching for cars in a blind spot, will help someone think before reacting and realize the importance.

What is the meaning of the poem All but Blind?

The meaning of the poem all but blind is the way a person is loved, affects their entire life. For example, how all the animals are blind to the speaker, he assumes that to someone else, he's the same way. Like he's invisible to another human. And that someone could be a loved one or an important person who affects their life.

Why is there no hazard warning on a lemon?

Because, although "dangerous", lemons can't really harm you for life. It can't really kill you unless you actually try, and even if you did all I can think that it could do is blind you if you're really unlucky.Also lemons are fruit. It would be strange if they put warning labels on them.

Who wrote for the blind?

If you were blind, you could hire a scribe to read and write for you.

Could you give a sentence with warning?

The gold mine has a warning siren.