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WebMD is a great resource to find tips on lowering cholesterol. Your best resource for such tips is to call or visit your doctor, because they know the best and can work to develop a plan to lower your cholesterol that works best for you.

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10y ago

The best place to get information is from your doctor. While he or she might recommend medication, you can also ask for recommendations on the best foods to eat that will help lower your cholesterol naturally.

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12y ago

The website has a list of 11 tips to help you lower your cholesterol. And the website has the top 5 foods that will help to lower your cholesterol.

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11y ago

You can find all the information you need about lowering cholesterol levels at the following website,

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What are some tips for lowering your cholesterol?

Some tips to lowering cholesterol, one of the most important ones is to start eating healthy and cutting our a lot of red meats and fat. Make sure you get plenty of vegetable and if possible start a exercise program.

What are some books one can read on how to lower your cholesterol?

There are many books available that one can read, which give comprehensive tips on lowering cholesterol, such as "The Great Cholesterol Myth," "Living low Carb," and "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth." These books can all be found on the Amazon Website.

Where can I find a lower cholesterol diet plan?

There are many places where you can find low cholesterol diets. Your doctor would be your best source of information since he/she is already aware of other pre-existing conditions that may be necessary to take into consideration as you plan your diet. There are many books that already have great information such as: 1001 Heart Healthy Recipes by Dick Logue and the Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cookbook by the American Heart Association. Check out your local library for a wide array of information about lowering your cholesterol.

Lowering Cholesterol For Elderly?

There are many ways to reduced cholesterol. One can try to eat a low cholesterol diet, eat more fiber, and excercise more. There are also many effective cholesterol lowering drugs available.

Where can I find more information on cholesterol lowering diet?

WebMD has a wonderful article on cholesterol lowering diets at Another comprehensive site specifically devoted to this topic is Good luck!

Is olive oil good for lowering cholesterol?

it is the best one for cooking

What is a good low cholesterol cookbook?

Lowering your cholesterol is one of the wisest step you can take to get your health in check. A great book to get from is Low Cholesterol Cookbook for Dummies.

Are there any websites that can help me find cholesterol diet plan?

There are several Web sites that offer advice regarding cholesterol diet plans. One of which is:, which has advice from the American Heart Association and offers suggestions on diet plans and what to do and what not to do.

Doctor Says Cholesterol Is Way To High?

Here are few sites to help you find more information on lowering your cholesterol and diets that may help as well. is a good one as is

What are some good cholesterol lowering recipes?

There are a ton of good cholesterol lowering recipes. Grilled chicken with brown rice and vegetables is always a good fall back. Lettuce wraps with grilled chicken and vegetables is also a good one.

Does lowering one's cholesterol levels reduce heart attack chances?

Yes lowering your cholesterol can help in this. There are other things you should look into as well. Try the American Heart Association. Here is a link on cholesterol

Are there any homeopathic ways for lowering cholesterol?

A good way to lower cholesterol is to excercise more. Another natural way is to increase the amount of fiber one consumes.