A mini stroke, formally know as a transient ischemic attack, has many symptoms and they vary depending on what part of the brain is affected. Some symptoms are inability to speak and loss of vision.
A mini stroke is commonly referred to as a transient ischemic attack, with symptoms that usually last for several minutes. Since 1 out of 3 people who have a mini stroke will suffer a stroke, a transient ischemic attack is usually a warning sign that an individual is at an increased risk for stroke. During this time, they can make changes in lifestyle that can reduce their risk. Common signs of a mini stroke include loss of balance, slurred speech, weakness or paralysis on one side of the body and vision problems.
Webmd.com is the best website to visit if you want to know what the symptoms of a mini stroke are, however if you believe you may have suffered one of these, you should visit your doctor immediately.
Stroke symptoms are drooping facial muscles, impaired speech, memory loss, and failure to perform simple motor functions properly, such as lifting up your hands equally.
The most common symptoms of a stroke are that one side of your face droops, one of your arms drifts forward, or if your speech is slurred or strange. If you have experienced any of these you should call 9-11 immediately.
A mini stroke is caused by a clogged artery in the brain. When this happens, there is no blood supply going to that portion of the brain. As a result, brain tissue may be harmed, leading to a lost of function in the area controlled by that portion of the brain.
Mini strokes are almost undetected, although I have at times noticed problems with speech, or pain in both arms at the same time.
A mini stroke is called a TIA or trans ischemic attack and yes one can occur after a CVA (cerebrovascular attack) or severe stroke
Symptoms include sudden and rapid numbness on one side of the body, confusion, slurred speech, impaired vision in one or both eyes, uncoordination, unable to balance on one or both feet, dizziness, and sudden headaches.
Another name for a transient ischemic attack is a mini stroke.
Symptoms of an embolic stroke usually come on quite suddenly and are at their most intense right from the start, while symptoms of a thrombotic stroke come on more gradually.
Stroke Association and Web MD have pages dedicated to recognizing symptoms of a stroke. The easiest way to remember is F.A.S.T. F-Face drooping, A-Arm Weakness, S-Speech problems, and T-Time to call 911.