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They are situated on the dorsal root of each spinal nerve. (:

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Q: Where are the spinal ganglion situated?
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What is the name of the bulge at the rear root of a spinal nerve?

It is called a ganglion.

Where does the shingle virus remain?

In the dorsal root ganglion of the spinal cord.

What is the difference between the dorsal root the ventral root and the dorsal root ganglion?

The dorsal root is responsible for carrying sensory information from the body to the spinal cord, while the ventral root carries motor information from the spinal cord to the body. The dorsal root ganglion is a structure located on the dorsal root containing cell bodies of sensory neurons.

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What are small groups of nerves outside the brain and spinal cord?

Ganglion or ganglia .

What is a supersofegeal ganglion?

A suprasegmental ganglion is a collection of nerve cell bodies located outside the spinal cord, typically involved in controlling autonomic functions like breathing or heart rate.

Does chain ganglion contain soma from sensory neurons?

No, the chain ganglion contains cell bodies (soma) of autonomic motor neurons, not sensory neurons. Sensory neurons have their cell bodies located in the dorsal root ganglion outside the spinal cord.

Cell body for first order neuron located here?

The cell body of the first-order neuron is typically located in the dorsal root ganglion (also known as the spinal or sensory ganglion) of the spinal cord. From there, it sends signals to the spinal cord or directly to the brain, depending on the type of sensory information it is transmitting.

Do all visceral motor neurons synapse in a sympathetic ganglion?

No; some axons synapse in nearby autonomic ganglion. postganglionic fibers travel along either sympathetic nerves or rejoin at the spinal nerve.

Where along a reflex arc would you find association neurons?

From the posterior root ganglion to the anterior horn of the spinal cord.

What path is taken by the sympathetic fibers of autonomic nervous system?

They are referred to as thoracolumbar outflow and run parallel to the spinal cord in a series on connected ganglion.