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Q: Where are pathogens present in?
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If pathogens are present in drinking water what will happen?

If pathogens are present in drinking water, they can cause waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid fever when consumed. It is important to treat contaminated water to eliminate these pathogens before consumption to prevent illness.

Are immunoglobulins present in saliva?

Yes, immunoglobulins such as IgA are present in saliva. These antibodies play a role in protecting the mucosal surfaces in the mouth from infections and pathogens.

What can pathogens present in drinking water cause?

Pathogens such as E. Coli (coliform bacteria) can cause diarrhea. Other pathogens may cause intestinal infections, fever, nausea, vomiting and dehydration, among other things.

What is the term for dried or caked blood and the instrument they are present?

caked blood

When langerhans cells phagocytize pathogens where do they carry them to?

Regional lymph nodes where they present to T cells, activating the adaptive immune response.

How do you analyze drinking water?

ph levels using test strips, and lab test using incubators to determine what pathogens are present.

What is the laboratory procedure for determining the pathogen present in sputum?

The laboratory procedure for determining the pathogen present in sputum involves first collecting the sputum sample from the patient. The sample is then cultured on appropriate media to allow for the growth of any present pathogens. After growth, the colonies are identified through various methods such as biochemical tests, microscopy, and molecular techniques. Antibiotic susceptibility testing can also be performed to guide treatment decisions.

Is blood the only body fluid that carry pathogens?

No, blood is not the only body fluid that can carry pathogens. Other body fluids such as saliva, urine, breast milk, and semen can also carry pathogens depending on the particular infection or disease present in the body.

What are pathogens symptoms?

What are pathogens symptoms

How does nose and mucus prevent pathogens from entering?

Mucus that are present in body contains macrophages and phagocytes and it acts as first line of defense in our immune system.

Why is it necessary to process milk?

The reasons for processing milk is 1. to prolong the shelflife of the milk and 2. to eliminate the pathogens (bad bacteria) that may be present.

What is the difference between germs and pathogens?

All germs are pathogens but all pathogens is not germs.