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Usually it is only what is in the stomach (food, liquid, gastric juice / stomach acid, ect.). If there is enough force - and this is VERY dangerous - sometimes a person might throw up blood.

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Q: When you throw up do you throw up only the content of what in your stomach?
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How can you vomit if you do not eat anything?

you only throw up yellow fluids from you stomach

If you throw up does it clean thc out of your system?

No. THC is stored in fat cells. Throwing up would only cause you to throw up stomach fluids.

Can an empty stomach make you throw up?

You will probably not throw up if your stomach is empty. Sometimes when you have the flu, you can vomit up stomach acids just because you're ill, but if you are otherwise healthy and don't have any flu symptoms, you will not throw up with an empty stomach.

Why stomach acid doesn't come up with throw up?

It does....

Do you have acids in your body?

Yes, you have stomach acid in your stomach. When you throw up and your stomach is empty, then you throw up this bad-tasting yellow liquid : that is stomach acid. There are also amino acids in your enzymes located in the cell. (: Hope this helped !

Will you throw up if you eat half cooked fishsticks?

you will not throw your stomach will just hurt

What causes someone to throw up spit?

Convulsions in the stomach.

What happens if you throw up too much?

your stomach will hurt

If you drink alcohol on an empty stomach why will you throw it up immediately?

Because you caught your stomach off guard.

How do starfish gather food?

well, they throw up there stomach and there stomach eats the food and then they swallow there stomach again. pretty disgusting!

If you throw up a meal does the body not take in any calories?

i don't think so coz it has not reached your intestine yet. only your stomach

What caused you to throw up yellow liquid?

It is usually bile when it is yellow, that is becasue it is the lining of your stomach, usually when there is nothing left in your stomach after not eating enough food or being sick too much that your stomach has emptied.