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It is called bloody diarrhea

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Q: When you poop a pinkish and brownish discharge comes out at the same time what is it?
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Does a computer poop?

No they do not poop they only discharge hot air from their fan port for them to cool down.

What is brown stuff on your underwear after a week of being off period?

Its probably not from your period, its just probably poop stains. You probably don't wipe yourself good. :) I got it too. If it smells like nothing, then its dried blood before you get your real period. If it smells of poop, then it is poop!

You discovered what looks like poop in your underwear but more towards the front of it smells like vaginal discharge it has vaginal discharge in it is this my first period?

Sounds like it my dear! The first blood that comes is the old one and that is usually rust color or brown. Fresher blood comes later.

What is thee poop?

Poop is wast that comes from your stomach

Do bats poop or vomit?

Yes they do, it's a nasty brownish sticky thing that ruins your car paint.

Were do baby's poop and pee?

the poop comes out there butt hole daaaaaaah and the pee comes out there privte part you retard

What is special about poop?

Poop comes out brown. It is how the body releases uneeded meterials.

What if when you have discharge it is brown and looks like poop?

You need to see a doctor. It could be from a variety of causes including infections, tumors and it really could be poop!

What is the big intestine?

Its where the poop comes from.

Why is Sayit so poop?

Because it comes from your but.

Does flax make you poop?

Yes, flax does make you poop. According to Professor Saliniller, the oil that comes off of the seed, when eaten, can make you poop!!!

What waste comes from bacteria?

Bacteria doesn't poop.