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No, it's not supposed to hurt when you insert a tampon.

Most likely it hurts because you were tensing-up so having to push the tampon against vaginal walls, or it can also be painful if you don't insert the tampon far enough - the first few inches of the vagina are the narrowest and most sensitive. Make sure to relax next time and use lubricant to help with insertion.

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If you are a young woman just starting her period it is not good for you to use a tampon the first year or so. Doctors advise against using them and you need to wait until you are older. If you do start to use them I hope you also know to change them often because if you don't bacteria can build up and kill you. Yes, it is hard to insert a tampon the first time.

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Q: When you insert a tampon for the first time is it supposed to hurt a little bit for a short time?
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What happens to a first time tampon user?

Nothing happens to a first-time tampon user.A person uses tampons for the first time and that's it - using a tampon doesn't change a person in any way. As long as the user is relaxed and using tampons correctly they will simply insert the tampon and it will absorb flow just like it's supposed to. It's no different to any other time they use tampons.

How Muslim girl can insert tampon?

I'm not too sure about Muslim cultures, but there is no difference between you or a Jewish or Christian girl. Just calm down, use a slim tampon if it's your first try and insert it into your vagina. Take your time and try listening to music so that you calm down. It is much better than pads!

Can you urinate with a tampon inserted in your vaginal?

With enough effort I'm sure you could force a tampon into your urethra, but needless to say it would hurt like hell and likely lead to a urinary tract infection. If you're asking if it's possible to insert it into your urethra accidentally, no it's not possible as you'd feel it and would have to really force it in your urethra. The urethra is small and sensitive, tampons have no place in the urethra.

Steps to control vaginal bleeding?

first: insert tampon second: put on a diaper third: dont go out in public but deeeeffff wear white pants

How do you put a tampon in Any references?

To insert a tampon, wash your hands, then unwrap the tampon and find a comfortable position (sitting, standing, or squatting). Hold the tampon applicator and insert it into your vagina at a slight angle until your fingers touch your body, then push the applicator to release the tampon. Make sure the string is hanging outside your body for easy removal. Remember to change your tampon every 4-8 hours.

Is it strange if you cant insert a tampon?

If it is your first time not at all! It takes practice. If it isn't your first time you just probably need to get a smaller size and get in a comfortable position and remember to stay calm! Don't worry and know you'll be fine! :) Hope this helps!

How do you take out the tampon for the first time?

First you have to stand up then make sure the tampon is at a 45 degree angle to back of your woman hood. Then insert it in. If it feels uncomfortable, try to push it in a little more until you can't feel it. Then it should be placed in correctly. Don't leave it in for more than 8 hours though.

Do you take out the tampon applicator when you use a tampon?

You first put your thumb and middle finger on the applicator and insert the tampon. Make sure the tampon goes all the way in and only the string is hanging out. Then remove the applicator and throw it away.

What do you do when youre in sports and on your period?

Use a tampon or just skip. I do gymnastics and I find using a tampon works great. Just make sure to talk to an adult first. plus depending on the sport you can wear little spankies. Hope this helps

How do you know if the tampons in correctly?

You should only be able to see the string, it should be comfy (although even if it's in right it can feel weird the first few times), and if you put the first bit of finger in your vgina, you shouldn't be able to feel the actual tampon.

When you sit after applying a tampon does it hurt?

It shouldn't hurt at all when you are wearing a tampon, if it does something is wrong.If it hurts when you sit down it is likely that you have not inserted the tampon far enough, thus as you sit down the vaginal muscles push against the tampon lower down in the vaginal canal. This is common when first using tampons or if you use applicators, next time try non-applicator and push further.

Can you see a picture of tampon?

Yes, you can see a picture of a tampon by googling for an image of tampons. You can also see a picture of a tampon on the side of a tampon box. If you were to buy tampons you would be able to see a tampon first-hand too!