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Well, I don't think there is any specific way to stop throwing up if you're sick. But, whenever I'm sick I always eat soup and drink Gatorade and water. Even if you don't keep it down, you will get some nutrition in you, which will help you recover more quickly. You can also try taking Pepto- Bismo.

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I don't think you can.

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Q: When you have the stomach flu how do you avoid puking?
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How serious Is the stomach flu?

pretty serious i recently just revoverd from it me and my dad were puking my dad filled the tolit with it.

How long is the 24 hour stomach flu contagious?

How long is the 24 stomach flu contagious for

How long are you contagious after stomach flu?

You may be contagious a few days after you have had the stomach flu. Normally the stomach flu runs its course in one to two days.

Can you get influenza and then a week or to later get the stomach flu?

I believe so. The stomach flu isn't the flu at all and is a digestive system ailment. The flu is influenza, a respiratory virus.

When you have the flu does your belly hurt?

Your stomach will not nessasaraly hurt if you have the flu. it depends on what flu you have

What can you take for the stomach flu?

Treatment for stomach flu is to control symptoms and make sure that you avoid dehydration. Take electrolyte replacement fluids, get easy-to-digest and nutritious food, and see your health care provider if symptoms last longer than 72 hours.

When puking how long does it take to empty your stomach?

it could take about 2 hours.

What is the causative agent of gastroenteritis?

It means to get Stomach Flu or Gastric Flu

What is the common name for viral gastroenteritis?

"Stomach flu", or the "GI flu".

How do you know if you have stomach flu?

When your stomach hurts so much.

How do you keep away form the swine flu?

i assume that you can avoid it the same way you avoid the normal flu.

How are stomach flu viruses spread?

Stomach flu is caused by bacteria, viruses and certain parasites. The bacteria, viruses and parasites can be found in soil, wild and pet animals including birds, and humans. The stomach flu occurs when the germs enter the stomach. Germs that cause the stomach flu usually enter the stomach by mouth Stomach flu is caused by bacteria, viruses and certain parasites. The bacteria, viruses and parasites can be found in soil, wild and pet animals including birds, and humans. The stomach flu occurs when the germs enter the stomach. Germs that cause the stomach flu usually enter the stomach by mouth