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Luckily chicken pox actually has nothing to do with chickens, it's just a weird name for a virus. You do not grow chicken feet when you have chicken pox.

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Q: When you have chickenpox do you grow chicken feet too?
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Has Miley Cyrus ever had chickenpox?

Almost every kid has had chicken pox. She too, may have had chicken pox when she was very young. But its not something she would tell because its common to get the chicken pox when you're a young kid.

Can maggots grow in chicken poop?

Yes, maggots can grow in chicken manure. When I kept chickens in too small of a space, even scooping weekly, I found tons of maggots. I would let the chickens in and they would actually eat them!

What is the difference between Down syndrome anorexia and chickenpox?

Down is an extra chromosome that develops before birth causing the condition. Anorexia is a psychological problem resulting from someone thinking they are too fat. Chicken pox is a virus .

Why would parents take their children to other neighbors' houses while their children have chickenpox?

Because you can only catch chicken-pox once. Exposing kids to someone who already has the disease almost guarantees they will catch it too !

Is frequent bathing dangerous if you have chickenpox?

There is no harm in bathing as often as you like when you have chickenpox, as long as you avoid shivering or increasing your body temperature too high.

How can you tell the difference between chickenpox and shingles?

i asked this question and i know now:chickenpox only happens once; boils can happen a lot of timesboils grow in size; chickenpox grows too but not in size it increases numbers

Can people grow to be 100 feet tall?

No if you could then wouldn't it of already happens.

Does mold grow on chicken?

Yes, mold can grow on chicken if it is not stored properly. Mold can develop on chicken that has been left out at room temperature for too long or in a moist environment. It is important to store chicken in the refrigerator below 40°F to prevent mold growth.

What length can a rattle snake grow too?

Rattle snakes ranges in size from 3 to 5 feet long with a few reaching 7 feet long

Does wearing too little shoes make your feet stop growing?

no, even if you wore small shes your feet would continue to grow. The shoes can't stop growth they can only cause pain an the more your feet grow the more uncomfortable it'll feel.

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Ligers can grow to be twice the weight of a lion, and a few feet longer too.