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Q: When you feel cold you rub your skin to make you feel warm what cause the feeling of warmth when you do this?
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How do you feel when you feel cold?

You feel a dysphoric feeling - meaning "not so well feeling". Your body seeks warmth, so as to avoid unpleasant skin sensations, joint stiffness, runny nose, and concentration which is sometimes not as sharp. Shivering may occur, which represents the body's way of trying to move rapdily, so as to warm up.

What are you feeling when you feel the warmth from a light bulb on you skin?

The warmth you feel from a light bulb is due to the energy it emits in the form of heat. This sensation is caused by the infrared radiation produced by the light bulb, which can make your skin feel warm when in close proximity to the bulb.

What is a mildly cold feeling?

A mildly cold feeling is when you experience a slight chill or shiver on your skin, but it is not intense or uncomfortable. It may make you feel slightly cool or refreshed without being overly cold.

What does it mean when you feel warm?

Warmth can indicate a contented, comfortable feeling, as with family and friends. Alternately, it can mean feelings of love and romance.

How does tinie tempah feel after his cold shower?

I'm thinking he's feeling a tad cold. :D

Why do you feel cold inside the house?

Feeling cold inside the house can be due to a variety of factors such as poor insulation, drafty windows or doors, low indoor humidity, or a problem with the heating system. It's important to check these factors and make necessary adjustments to improve comfort and warmth inside the house.

Why do you feel cold when you are afraid?

When you are afraid, your body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline. This can cause your blood vessels to constrict and shunt blood away from your skin to your vital organs, resulting in a feeling of coldness. Additionally, fear can trigger a fight-or-flight response, which can also lead to shivering and feeling cold.

Why do you rub your hands together when you feel cold?

Rubing hands creates friction due to which heat is produced and you feel warmth; the same reason your body shivers when you are cold, the extra movement creats heat for your body.

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getting in the shower when you are really cold and you feel that burning feeling

Why do you chatter your teeth and shiver when cold?

cause u feel cold what do u think

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