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because the baby moves and rolls and kicks and if you are small you can see knees and albows sticking out. a light massage of your hand will cause the baby to shift so you are both comfortable., enjoy! joymaker rn

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Q: When you are 4 months pregnant is it possible that your stomach looks bigger at certain times?
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How do you tell If your mom is pregnant?

Her stomach gets bigger

How do you tell if your mom pregnant?

Her stomach gets bigger

Why does your belly become bigger as you get pregnant?

Your stomach becomes bigger when you are pregnant because the baby grows which makes your stomach get bigger, plus the "bag of waters" in there as well. It all couldn't possibly fit in your terribly small uterus. I hope I helped!

If your stomach feels like a rock and is getting bigger could you be pregnant even though you still have a very abnormal period?

Yes, you can be pregnant and have vaginal bleeding. There are other possibilities why you have swelling in your stomach and you should see your caregiver as soon as possible. If you are worried about being pregnant, but do not want to see a caregiver right away, get a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant, it is very important that you get prenatal care for your child as soon as possible. Good luck!

How can you tell am pregnant?

Your stomach is getting bigger,but that's maybe the McDonalds you keep eating.

Why does your stomach get big when your pregnant?

It gets big so the baby inside can get bigger and stronger.

But how soon can you start noticing you pregnant?

When you dont get ur period & when ur stomach is getting bigger !

When do you start showing when your pregnant?

About 3 months in your stomach will get bigger it will be unmissable on the 5-9th month

My upper stomach underneath diaphragm keeps moving for few months i am not pregnant but my stomach gets bigger what is it?

Gas moving through the intestines

How long does it usually take for a male guinea pig to get the female pregnant and how do you know when she is pregnant?

how do you know when ones pregnant?well, it useually takees the male to get the female pregnant about 2 weeks. You know when shes pregnant by getting bigger in the stomach and wiggleing in the stomach, and shes eating more

I had a daughter 9 months ago Since I have had her my stomach has always been flabby. Lately my stomach has been looking bigger and very round. Do you think this is because I am pregnant?

Yeah!!! You are pregnant!!!!! I am so happy for you whoever you are!!!

What other problems can cause feeling like you are pregnant?

In some cases a stomach cyst can cause you pain and make you stomach bigger and harder. If it grows big enough it will actually look like you're pregnant.