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usually between the ages of 10 and 14, but everyone is different. some girls start at age 9, others at 15. i read a story about a girl whose period didn't start until she was seventeen. mine started when i was eleven. if you start a little earlier or later, do not worry about it :)

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Q: When will you get your first peirod?
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What do small red spots on undearwear mean before first peirod?

Nothing specific. Just the beginning of periods.

Does it hurt to get your peirod?

no i had mine at 11

What is the longest peirod of time?

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a drought.

How long is one peirod in hockey?

20 mins

What time peirod did the akkadians exist?

1900 to 150 B.C.

How do you start your peirod?

there is actually no way you can start your period faster

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The fall of Rome in 410AD

Can a nine year old have peirod?

yes nine year olds can get their period

What time peirod did Henry t Sampson jr live?

89 years